Friday 29 June 2007

Short Cuts of Iran, - not so short

Finally! Again.
Today I visited Iran. I was hoping for a brief visit.

We have our Iranian visas, I applied with Peters passport as well since there is no Iranian embassy in Slovenia. We have to get there before the 27Th of September, getting closer.

The embassy is far out on Lidingö, I got up half past six to get there before opening half past eight, on the way I took ugly visa-pictures. When arriving ten min before opening the embassy was already filled. 26 numbers ahead. Each number took on average 8 min, you cleaver mathematicians realize that I could enter the office around noon. My application took approximately 1 min. Then I waited, again. Receiving visa took as long as waiting to apply. All together 6,5 hours at the embassy. No lunch.

It was a bit like visiting the middle east. Everyone was very friendly and tried to help each other cut the line, thus 8 min between the numbers. You could hear people shouting Hadji! (to older men to show them respect, I think) and Mishkil! (which is "problem", I think?) Hadji is what you call someone who made the pilgrimage to Mecca. All the time when someones number was called he waved at the older men and shouted Hadji! to take them with them into the office in order to help. The system was suffering a bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vad duktig du har varit Anna! Nu är du värd en härlig semestervecka i Kroatien, du måste ju bara ta hand om en massa gäster och sånt, men det blir nog lugnt och skönt..

Puss och kram /Bisse och Tina